Plumbing in Portsmouth

Expert Plumbers

Fed up with dripping taps and blocked drains? OGR Properties Ltd, your trusted plumbers in Portsmouth, Havant, and Waterlooville, can take care of all your plumbing woes, big or small. From fixing a leaky loo to installing a brand new bathroom suite or replacing your boiler, we're here to keep your home running smoothly so you can relax.

No job is too big or too small for our team of skilled and friendly plumbers. We pride ourselves on our prompt and efficient service, meaning you won't be waiting around all day for us to fix that gurgling drain. We also understand that plumbing problems can be stressful, so we'll always explain the solution clearly and honestly.

Remember that time you spent battling a blocked sink overflowing with washing up? Or the panic when your central heating packed in on the coldest day of the year? Don't let plumbing emergencies disrupt your life – call OGR Properties Ltd today on 0795129626 or visit our website for a free quote. We're here to make sure your plumbing runs smoothly, so you can too!

General Plumbing Services

Bathroom Plumbing

Kitchen Plumbing

Radiators & Valves

Thermostat Installations & Repairs

Tap Repairs, Replacements & Installations

Don't see something you need? Contact Us!